Handler Dating Near Saint George Ut

  1. Handler Dating Near Saint George Utah
  2. Handler Dating Near Saint George Utah

Lania is a small traditional village in the hills of the wine making region of Lemesos.

Village Name:

The village of Lania probably got its name from the daughter of Dionysos, the God of wine. Another possibility is that the name was derived from the acorn tree “ba lania”.


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The Village of Lania is about 25km north of Lemesos on the road to the Troodos Mountains and with an altitude of 575meters from sea level it provides great views for visitors. As well, due to its hilly south facing slopes and its white chalky soil, it offers ideal conditions for growing grapes for producing top quality wines.

Handler Dating Near Saint George Utah



During recent times, ancient pottery and an ancient tablet were found with an inscription dating the pieces to the periods of 1050 – 750BC. These items were unfortunately stolen before any proper documentation was conducted. This account dates the village to at least 3000 years old.

Another fact about Lania, Henry de Champagne of France, had visited the village during the middle of the 12th century in search of a new breed of grape vines to replace his own due to a disease that destroyed his entire crop. Lania and the neighboring areas provided him with a suitable replacement. The variety of Grape still exists today contributing to the Champagne production in France.

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Copper mining:

During the peak of copper production in Cyprus around 1600 B.C, Lania became an important settlement for the miners and for the transportation of the mineral to the Village of Alassa another village located just south of Lania where the processing of the mineral was done. Many pots and other ancient artifacts were found, dating back to the 15th century B.C suggesting that Lania had a history dating back to that time.

Some additional historical facts, places some of the first Christians in the area of Lania with the discovery of a large cave called the cave of Agias located between the villages of Lania, Agiou Mama and Limnati. Some years ago the letters «ΙΧΘΥΣ» was found scratched on the walls indicating the presence of the first Christians.


In the 4th century A.D Saint Epiphanios who was born in Palestine in 310 A.D. passed by the region of Lania and to honour him the locals built a church in his name. Unfortunately the church was later destroyed; no documented history on this, and a residential house was built in the location.




After the fall of the Byzantine Empire and the rise of the Franks from 1192 to 1489A.D. many monasteries were built giving the village economic and administrative autonomy. In the region of Lania, there still stand several of those monasteries such as, the Valanas, Agias Marina, the Katalimmata, Amasgou, and the Archaggelos. After the Franks left, the Venetians ruled the island till the year 1571, at which time the rise of the Ottoman Empire came about and occupied the island. During the occupation most of the monasteries were pillaged and burned.

Important Religious treasures:

An important legacy of Lania is its church. Built during the 17th century, there stands a beautiful icon which historians place the origin back to 1676? The 12th century Byzantine icon of the Virgin Mary of Valana may also be found there and is believed to have miraculous powers.

A pair of wooden carved boards depicting the scene of Adam and Eve with the serpent offering the forbidden fruit is also kept there, as well dating back to the 12th century according to the local priest.

One of Lania’s many treasures has a somewhat bad ending, it’s about a priceless embroidering icon that was taken to Egypt by a trusted member of the community for evaluation, and was never heard of again. The treasured icon had disappeared along with its handler. It is believed that the handler was killed and the Icon stolen. Lania is still searching for answers, a mystery waiting to be solved.

Local produce:

Apart from wine making, the locals also produce olive oil. Lania kept an olive press next to the church with large traditional circular stones. In recent times oil making became mechanized with the use of an internal combustion engine.

Today the oil making site stands idle but is being utilized though with the craft of soutziouko making. Soutziouko is “a grape syrup stick with almonds or without”.


The first primary school was operated in 1845 by the village and the first teacher being Mr. Hadjifillipos Lanitis.

The Village Life:

During the last decade, the village has gone through a dramatic transition with the return of a younger generation and an influx of British nationals. Alot of the older houses have been resurrected and renovated utilizing strict European guidelines in the construction of traditional houses. Due to its close proximity to the city of Lemesos, Lania has become a very popular residence for locals and foreigners working in Lemesos.

Tourist Information:


Handler Dating Near Saint George Utah

Several tourist organizations have included the village in their tourist attractions list for places to visit in Cyprus. The Village of Lania offers tourist an array of attractions and services. this includes, an old wine making mill that has been restored and has become a museum, in the village square there still stands a gigantic ancient tree providing shade to a local coffee shop. As well, there are several restaurants, galleries, mosaic workshops and souvenir shops to visited.

The Royal connection

In his search, Sir Ian Moncrieff discovered the following connection between Prince William and George Lanitis.

Prince William is the 28th descendant of Henry and Isabelle. Isabelle was the mother of Dominique who was the mother-in-law of George Lanitis who comes from Lania. The family tree goes as follows.

  1. Henry & Isabelle
  2. Alice & Hugh
  3. Isabelle & Henry of Antioch
  4. Hugh III de Lusignan
  5. Guy de Lusignan
  6. Hugh IV de Lusignan
  7. James I de Lusignan
  8. Janus de Lusignan
  9. Anne de Lusignan & Louis Duke of Savoy
  10. Philip II
  11. RENE
  12. Mandalene of Savoy
  13. Jeanne de Montmorency
  14. Claude de la Tremoille
  15. Charlotte & James
  16. Amella Stanley
  17. John, first Duke of Atholl
  18. Lady Sussan Murrey & William
  19. Lady Catherine Gordon
  20. Alexander, Duke of Gordon
  21. Lady Georgiana Gordon & John, Duke of Bedford
  22. Lady Louisa Russel and James 1st Duke of Abercorn
  23. James, 2nd Duke of Abercorn
  24. James 3rd Duke of Abercorn
  25. Lady Cynthia Hamilton &John, 7th Earl Spencer
  26. John 8th Earl Spencer
  27. Lady Daina Spencer, Prince of wales & HRH Prince Charles, prince of Wales.
  28. His Royal Highness prince William.

According to Sir Ian Moncrieff Prince William has inherited the romantic sentiment of his Cypriot ancestors.

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