Barstow Dating Scene

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A 24-year-old Barstow man has been arrested for allegedly raping two women he met through the online dating website Plenty of Fish. A Gay Area in Barstow largely remains an unknown LGBT hotspot and this is primarily due to its slow rate of growth in service that cater to them in comparison to other cities exactly where there have been explosions of the gay scene.


Have a good weekend! Greg, It is incorrect to say that our position has no Scripture to point to. In fact, we can point to dozens of Scriptures that verify and support the use of versions other than the KJV, and show that something other than the exact wording of the original manuscript was considered the Word of God. In fact, the NT uses translations that differ from the OT text and still calls it the word of God and expects obedience to its authority.

That is all the evidence we need.

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I can grant all the liberty in the world to disagree with me about that. But when you or anyone else says that the KJV is the 'only word of God in the English language' or 'the perfect Word of God int eh English language,' we must draw the line in the sand and say that you have departed from biblical teaching. The Scriptures can be used to define what is false on that point. And when you, or anyone else, says that we do not believe the Bible is error free and authoritative, it is simply wrong.

“Unequally Yoked?” (A Question For Independent Baptists)

You, being in the area you are, should know that the majority of fundamental churches in your area disagree with you, but hold the Bible in very high regard. In fact, in that area is one of the very best Bible expositors in teh country who disagrees with you, yet still holds the Bible to be error free and authoritative.

Just please be careful with teh accusations you make. I agree with you about dating sites.

'Singles, Dating, and Marriage' Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV)

Barstow Dating Scene Pictures

Be very very careful. It is easy to lie in teh world of anonymity. May 27, Messages: This forum is living proof that those who are KJVO and those who are not have a hard time getting along. If that is a conviction she holds dear then she should find somebody that feels the same. I wouldnt make it the number one criteria but it should be highly considered if that is a deeply held conviction. Larry you know you would start an arguement by claiming that those who are KJVO do not have a high regard for the Word of God.

That was a cheap shot in my opinion due to the fact that it wasn't even the main point of her thread. I know lots and lots of pastors who use the KJV and their greek testament to do their study. Encourage the couple, praise them for bringing glory to God for waiting. And leave them alone. If they have waited the are probably on the right track. And finally, if you have a godly friend, pastor, or relative that has reservations about the person be very careful.

Consider very carefully what they are saying and pray about it yourself and seek God. Sometimes friends are too quick to judge and pass out advice. But at other times there is a very good reason for a warning. If someone is already headed in a direction that is contrary to God take notice of it and beware. I think of Paul after he got saved. Just some thoughts out there.

After reading many of the replies here, I wonder if a bad habit is developing—that of using undefined terms like legalism that are being used as a blanket to throw on a wide variety of issues that need not be viewed in totality. Furthermore, what is legalism? Is it adherence to tradition rather than Biblical laws? Is it the fear of change? Is it a personal preference that can differ from church to church—or person to person?

If you sit in a church with a legalistic pastor, does that make you legalistic as well? If you are personally legalistic in a non-legalistic church, what are you really? Josh Teis needs a blog defining commonly used—and often wrongly used—terms. Inform us of your operational definitions of some of these concepts, pastor. I think you were absolutely right on most of your reply to her, except one area. I have many friends who use different Bible versions, and I am not one to beat someone with a KJV and demean them.

That is not the Spirit of Christ, and it never helped anyone. However, in a marriage, between two people who are passionate about pursuing God, the source Bible will be a big player. When they come upon a verse that could change their lives, they will have to decide whether the NIV got it right, or the KJV.

Are you comfortable counseling her to move away from the truth and towards error? To downgrade to a different version is to knowingly accept error.

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Everything else you said to her was spot on. I apologize for my lengthy reply, but these issues are near to my heart. This is a great article that brings to light some of the preferences that cause so much division in IFB churches. The irony is that when we study the early church we see very little evidence of HOW to run a church service, but we are rather commanded to not forsake the gathering together of believers.

It saddens me that people would forsake the gathering of believers because of these secondary issues, it also saddens me that we would hold so strongly to these preferences that we would elevate them above others. I am thankful that these issues have not caused division in the church I go to, but it concerns me that as the church grows some may let go of the hand of their brother or sister to grasp tightly to the tradition they prefer. We all would do well to understand people on the other side rather than just shutting down their arguments.

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I have read a lot of comments here on the supremacy of the KJV of the bible. This belief is for many paramount, because if the KJV is flawed in anyway, how then can it be trusted. To write off someone that reveres the word of God as legalist or arrogant is a misguided judgement. Likewise, to write off more than half of Christianity because the prefer a different translation is foolish.

Do you know that this translation issue dates back to the time of Christ? These two versions were not always the same. Which one do you think was more accurate? Which one was inspired? If you were alive then would you only use the Hebrew since the Greek was a more modern translation. The Septuagint came hundreds and sometimes thousands of years after the Hebrew text!

IFB Singles

I asked our children to keep high school relationships to a friendship level, and they honored. Bess Harrington has been a writer since It was important to me that our children wait until their college years to begin serious dating. And they were very smart men to make the calls! My sister suggested maybe I could ask you for advice since she follows you on social media and likes the things you post. Simply, this verse alone cannot separate two believers from each other in regards to other doctrines or preferences. After reading many of the replies here, I wonder if a bad habit is developing—that of using undefined terms like legalism that are being used as a blanket to throw on a wide variety of issues that need not be viewed in totality. Your answer to this lady was good! Does a church need to agree with everything that IFB churches believe in order to be a God-honoring church? That would of independent baptist beliefs on dating my other point. Reply Bible College Graduate April 18, at 7: The men I counseled with never told me that this young lady was less spiritual or godly. Of course, it is possible that your advice perfectly aligned with the advice her pastor and parents gave. The last point independent baptist beliefs on dating negative. Just because someone finds a Pastor arrogant does not doom a future marriage.

Did God abandon the Hebrew version when the Greek was translated? Would it surprise you to know that the Greek version, not the Hebrew, was the preferred version of the Apostles and Christ? It was quoted in the New Testament by Peter see 1 peter 4: Because the Septuagint was not used at the time of the KJV translation. There are places where the New Testament cites the Septuagint, but only 33 where is cites the Hebrew version. Do you know what that means?

And perhaps most noteworthy, Paul: This places a direct conflict in the bible! Both versions of Psalm Dear Josh, You are a gifted writer and i wish you the best. I agree with most of what you said but i travel on deputation as a missionary and i will not accept support from nob independent Baptist Churches and i will not accept support if they are an english speaking church and us3 anuthing besides the KJV.

Barstow Dating Scene Today

The Bible should be the center of any relationship and if they can not even agree on that it will be unhealthy for their relationship. I am not saying that they must agree on everything but certain things they must settle first.

Barstow Dating Scene Photos

I recenntly met a lady who Is in the same position and they were married but go to different churches. Imagine the strain on those kids.

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